PlayStation 4 Pro: Star Wars Battlefront II Limited Edition

Sony har annonceret en limited edition af PlayStation 4 Pro der er dekoreret med Star Wars referencer (både konsol og controller) og inkluderer Battlefront II. Hvis du er Star Wars fan er den helt sikkert et must-have!

PS4 Pro - Star Wars Battlefront II Retail
PS4 Pro – Star Wars Battlefront II Retail
PS4 Pro - Star Wars Battlefront II
PS4 Pro – Star Wars Battlefront II

Kilde: PlayStation.Blog

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt har fået PS4 Pro understøttelse

På trods af tidligere udmeldinger fra CD Projekt Red, har udvikleren nu udgivet en opdatering (version 1.50) som giver spillet PlayStation 4 Pro understøttelse. Efter opdateringen vil spillet køre i 4K og ved højere billedehastighed.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 4K
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – 4K


Star Wars Battlefront II Alpha kører i 1080p/60fps på PS4 Pro

Digital Foundry har ved Gamescom messen fået lov til at prøve en pre-alpha version af Star Wars Battlefront II på en PlayStation 4 Pro. Spillet kører på nuværende tidspunkt i 1080p ved 60 FPS, men spillet udkommer først d. 17 november 2017 så mon ikke der bliver optimeret yderligere til PS4 Pro.

Se med i videon nedenfor, for at få et first-look.


PS4 system software 5.00 detaljer

Sony har netop offentliggjort hvad den kommende version af system softwaren (5.00) kommer til at indeholde. For PlayStation 4 Pro ejere er der ikke det store at hente – den eneste forbedring er at der kan streames til Twitch i Full HD (1080p) og 60 FPS.

Softwaren er pt. i beta og udgivelsestidspunktet er ukendt.

PS4 Software Update 5.00
PS4 Software Update 5.00

Kilde: PlayStation.Blog

Optimeret til PS4 Pro: F1 2017, Agents of Mayhem og Sine Mora EX

De tre kommende spil F1 2017, Agents of Mayhem og Sine Mora EX er alle optimerede til at udnytte PlayStation 4 Pro fuldt ud. Se alle detaljerne nedenfor.

F1 2017

  • 4K opløsning (3840 x 2160) ved hjælp af checkerboard.
  • HDR – lysere, mere farverig og skarpere billede.
  • 60 FPS – hurtigere billede giver mere livagtighed.
  • Forbedrede reflektioner, skygger og textures.

Agents of Mayhem

  • Full HD (1920 x 1080), men med meget mere detaljerede baner og firdoblet anisotropic filtering (fra x4 til x16).
  • Flere fodgængere og køretøjer (NPC’er).
  • HDR.
  • Minimum 30 FPS, men op til 60 FPS.

Sine Mora EX

  • Fuld native 4K opløsning (3840 x 2160) – dvs. ingen checkerboard.
  • 60 FPS.
  • Meget højere renderings kvalitet for et skarpere billede.

Kilde: PlayStation.Blog

Kommende AMD-teknologi kan gøre PS4 Pro endnu mere kraftfuld

AMD har fornyligt annonceret at de snart er klar til at lancere en teknologi der “Rapid Packed Math”, som teoretisk skulle kunne fordoble hastigheden af deres GPU’er ved at “float operations” dobbelt så hurtigt. Eftersom der sidder en AMD GPU i PlayStation 4 Pro skulle konsollens grafiske ydelse kunne komme op på 8,4 teraflops ved en kommende softwareopdatering.

AMD udtaler selv:

Next-Gen Compute Units (NCUs) provide super-charged pathways for doubling processing throughput when using 16-bit data types. In cases where a full 32 bits of precision is not necessary to obtain the desired result, they can pack twice as much data into each register and use it to execute two parallel operations. This is ideal for a wide range of computationally intensive applications including image/video processing, ray tracing, artificial intelligence, and game rendering.

PS4 Pro & AMD
PS4 Pro & AMD


Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice optimeret til PS4 Pro

Det kommende Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice vil have to forskellige modes på PlayStation 4 Pro – en hvor spillet kører 60 FPS eller en “enhanced resolution” som er på bekostning af billedehastigheden. Se den flotte trailer fra spillet nedenfor.

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice udkommer d. 8. august 2017.


Dreadnought har PS4 Pro forbedringer

Dreadnought er et sci-fi battle spil, som p.t. er i åben beta på PlayStation. Ved lanceringen af betaen blev det afsløret at spillet er optimeret til PlayStation 4 Pro, dog uden at det er særlig specifikt – “Get even better graphical fidelity on your PS4 Pro.”

Dreadnought - PS4 Pro
Dreadnought – PS4 Pro

Kilde: PlayStation.Blog

X-Morph: Defense leverer 60 FPS split-screen co-op på PS4 Pro

Pawel Lekki fra EXOR Studios fortæller at det kommende X-Morph: Defense understøtter 60 FPS i split-screen co-op på PlayStation 4 Pro. Spillet beskrives som en “RTS/twin-stick shooter hybrid.” Se traileren for spillet nedenfor.

X-Morph: Defense udkommer d. 30. august 2017.

Kilde: PlayStation.Blog

Fortnite, Pyre og Shadow Tactics er optimerede til PS4 Pro

De for nyligt udgivne spil Fortnite, Pyre og Shadow Tactics er alle optimerede til PlayStation 4 Pro. Læs med nedenfor for at få alle detaljerne.


Fortnite - PS4 Pro
Fortnite – PS4 Pro

While the game renders at a native 1080p, the team have poured the extra power of PS4 Pro into dialling up the bells and whistles for a greatly improved overall visual presentation.

Scene lighting gets a huge boost with the inclusion of light shafts, screen-space subsurface scattering and a four-fold increase in volumetric lighting resolution. All in all, this delivers a far more refined and natural simulation of real-world lighting, backed up by a higher quality ambient occlusion (which creates more realistic shading around objects and characters) and higher quality reflections across the scene thanks to a sampling boost in screen space reflections.

Visual effects also see an improvement, with spawn rate for particles being doubled to create fuller, more impressive ballistic effects that also benefit from interaction with scene lighting, making their appearance more natural within the environment.

Taking into account the fast-paced action of the game, not only is motion blur improved on PS4 Pro hardware, creating a more natural sense of movement, the temporal anti-aliasing (which smooths out jagged edges and improves the clarity of fine detail on objects and textures) has an additional feature called ‘dynamic anti-ghosting’, which cleverly improves image quality around rapidly moving objects.

All of this is important too, as – owing to 25% increase in draw distance – there’ll be more objects visible from greater distances and more detail to take in.

Last, but certainly not least, all of these excellent refinements are bolstered by a performance boost throughout, giving a more consistent overall gameplay experience.


Pyre - PS4 Pro
Pyre – PS4 Pro

PS4 Pro owners can look forward to enjoying these sumptuous visuals in absolutely pixel perfect clarity with a full, ultra-HD resolution of 3840 x 2160; a fully native 4K presentation running at a silky-smooth 60FPS.

Those using regular HD displays will also benefit from hugely improved image quality thanks to down-sampling. This process allows the console to construct a more finely-detailed 1080p image from the full the 4K render, smoothing jagged edges and refining object and texture detail, particularly at a distance.

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

Shadow Tactics - PS4 Pro
Shadow Tactics – PS4 Pro

While this game doesn’t provide a boost to pixel counts or effects, the addition of an option to lock frame rates at either 30FPS or 60FPS (or completely unlock the framerate altogether) means that Shadow Tactics can take full advantage of the PlayStation 4 Pro’s boosted CPU clock to deliver much improved rates of performance.

In raw numbers, the team have confirmed that while on the base PlayStation 4 framerates typically peak around 30-35FPS (which you can lock to 30, if you prefer), on PS4 Pro, users can expect a reliably smooth 60FPS throughout play.

Kilde: PlayStation.Blog