Hello Games har netop annonceret at de udgiver en kæmpe gratis opdatering (Codename: Pathfinder) som bl.a. indeholder PlayStation 4 Pro understøttelse. Det vil sige textures i højere opløsning, forbedret lyssætning, HDR, 4K og meget andet.

Alt indhold i opdateringen:
- PlayStation 4 Pro support
- Improved visuals
- Owning multiple ships
- Base sharing online
- New vehicles – Exocraft
- Permadeath Mode
- Build vehicle race tracks
- Ship specialisations and classes
- Shop/traders
- Double the base building variety
- Multi-tool specialisation and classes
- New weapon modes
- Photo Mode
- Discovery menu
- Quality of life improvements
- 50% more original music from 65daysofstatic
Kilde: PlayStation.Blog