Kommende AMD-teknologi kan gøre PS4 Pro endnu mere kraftfuld

AMD har fornyligt annonceret at de snart er klar til at lancere en teknologi der “Rapid Packed Math”, som teoretisk skulle kunne fordoble hastigheden af deres GPU’er ved at “float operations” dobbelt så hurtigt. Eftersom der sidder en AMD GPU i PlayStation 4 Pro skulle konsollens grafiske ydelse kunne komme op på 8,4 teraflops ved en kommende softwareopdatering.

AMD udtaler selv:

Next-Gen Compute Units (NCUs) provide super-charged pathways for doubling processing throughput when using 16-bit data types. In cases where a full 32 bits of precision is not necessary to obtain the desired result, they can pack twice as much data into each register and use it to execute two parallel operations. This is ideal for a wide range of computationally intensive applications including image/video processing, ray tracing, artificial intelligence, and game rendering.

PS4 Pro & AMD
PS4 Pro & AMD

Kilde: gamereactor.dk

Analytiker: PlayStation 4 Pro bliver billigere

Ifølge den kendte analytiker Michael Pachter vil Sony i løbet af efteråret sætte priserne ned på både PlayStation 4 Slim og PlayStation 4 Pro. Det er især for at konkurrere med Microsoft’s kommende Xbox One X.

Pachter udtaler:

I don’t think Microsoft is all that competitive. Xbox One S is priced the same as the PS4, and I don’t think they are competitive at all with the Xbox One X, currently priced at $100 more than the PS4 Pro, and highly likely to be priced $150 more than the PS4 Pro by Holiday. My guess is, Sony will cut the everyday PS4 price to $249, and the PS4 Pro price to $349 this Holiday, and Microsoft will be too expensive, so Sony will keep its price advantage this Holiday.

PlayStation 4 Pro fås i øjeblikket til lige under kr. 3.000,- i Danmark.

Kilde: gamereactor.dk

The Witcher 3 får PS4 Pro opdatering

CD Projekt Red har til E3 bekræftet at de arbejder på en The Witcher 3 opdatering til PlayStation 4 Pro:

I can confirm that we are working both on Xbox One X and PS4 Pro patches for The Witcher 3. No extra details at this moment. More info is coming.

Kilde: PSlife.dk

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy understøtter PlayStation 4 Pro

Selvom der er længe til udgivelsen af den kommende fortsættelse i Uncharted serien – Uncharted: The Lost Legacy – har Naughty Dog allerede nu meldt ud at spillet vil få PS4 Pro understøttelse:

Will be enhanced for the PlayStation 4 Pro, including support for High Dynamic Range (HDR) and dynamic 4K gaming

Spillet er PlayStation 4 eksklusivt og udkommer d. 23. august 2017.

Kilde: gamereactor.dk

Headmaster til PlayStation VR får PS4 Pro update

Headmaster er et innovativt og unikt spil til PlayStation VR, hvor det ganske simpelt gælder om at heade en fodbold i mål i forskellige situationer. I sidste uge fik spillet en kæmpe opdatering hvor der især blev fokuseret på den nye Party Mode, men spillet fik samtidig understøttelse for PlayStation 4 Pro.

Ben Throop fra Frame Interactive fortæller:

When you play Headmaster on a PS4 Pro it’s like you’re wearing a new set of eyeglasses. We were able to turn the final rendered image up to 2x supersampling with MSAA. For a game that’s about looking into the distance to judge things flying at your face, it makes a big difference. It runs at 90 frames per second on PS4 and PS4 Pro, but on the PS4 Pro it is now noticeably sharper.

Kilde: PlayStation.Blog

Horizon: Zero Dawn presser ikke PS4 Pro til det yderste

Samrat Sharma fra Guerilla Games fortæller lidt om udvikling af det super flotte Horizon: Zero Dawn – herunder optimeringen til den kraftigere hardware i PlayStation 4 Pro.

The machine has a lot of power, so we understand what it can do, but the game was already in place when we learnt about the Pro and got the dev kit.

So what we’ve done is taken the power and tried to make the best improvements we think for our existing game. We didn’t design the game from the ground up for the Pro, but we tried to use that processing power to do the best things we could to make the experience look or feel better for you.

I don’t think it’s fair to say we haven’t used it fully, but I do think it’s fair to say that if we’d designed the game from the ground up for the Pro, we’d have probably used it differently.

Kilde: gamereactor.dk

Michael Pachter: PlayStation 5 kommer tidligst i 2019

Selvom PlayStation 4 Pro næsten lige er kommet på markedet forhindrer det ikke den anerkendte spilanalytiker Michael Pachter i at komme med et kvalificeret bud på hvornår PlayStation 5 udgives.

I don’t see that happening. I think Scorpio will have same rules as PS4 Pro- every game made for PS4 Pro has to be fully compatible with PS4. Similarly, every game on Scorpio will have to be backward compatible on Xbox One. So what I think that means is that games will have to run at, say, 1080p and 60fps, but can be upgraded to 4k and 240fps or whatever it will be. But the game will have both on the disc, the hardware will know what file to play, so the Xbox One or PS4 looks for the standard file, while the Pro or Scorpio will pick up the better, faster content. I think that’s what you’ll see, I don’t think that’s a problem, and I think that very few games will support Xbox One Scorpio at launch- the games that support PS4 Pro will definitely support Scorpio, and they may not even run at 4K.

So games will run better, but they will be backward compatible- Microsoft is not replacing the Xbox One- they are upgrading it. So no, Sony will not come up with more hardware in 2018. You may get a PS5 in 2019 or maybe 2020, and an Xbox Two in 2020, and we will continue to get new consoles every three years, and their software will be compatible with the system released right before it. I think that’s going to be the pattern.

Michael Pachter
Michael Pachter


PlayStation 4 Pro sælger over forventning ifølge Sony

Sony har fornylig løftet sløret for sidste kvartals salgstal, og her blev det annonceret at PlayStation 4-familien samlet set formåede at flytte hele 9.7 millioner enheder, og det er da ganske imponerende.

Men vi ved stadig ikke noget konkret om PlayStation 4 Pro, og nogle meldinger har endda foreslået at tallene slet ikke er gode for Sonys nye maskine.

Dog sagde Sony’s Chief Financial Officer Kenichiro Yoshida under deres kvartalsmøde, at konsollens salgstal holder sig i trit med deres interne forventninger, og måske endda lidt bedre:

PS4 Pro is running as we had assumed, but Pro maybe is doing more than we anticipated.

Kilde: gamereactor.dk

Moon Studios-udvikler uddyber sine PS4 Pro-kommentarer

For nylig udtalte Thomas Mahler, der arbejder for Ori and the Blind Forest-udvikleren Moon Studios, at den kommende Project Scorpio er en ægte “next gen-maskine”. I samme udtalelse var der dog også en kritik af PlayStation 4 Pro-konsollen, og dem har han nu valgt at yderligere uddybe:

When Sony announces their PS5 (which will probably happen after Scorpio releases), you’ll hear that it’ll also be compatible to your entire PS4 library (since it’s – like the PS4Pro – going to be another hardware upgrade based on the same architecture). You’ll also see games that are going to be announced that will not be exclusive only to the PS5, since it just hurts developers. A new console comes out and we go from a hardware platform that has 50 or so million installed units to, say, 5. So automatically, I would reach a MUCH smaller audience. So a lot of games will still be ‘forward-compatible’ – whether Sony forces that or not will be up to them.

Kilde: gamereactor.dk

Resogun får PS4 Pro-opdatering

Udvikleren Housemarque har udsendt en pressemeddelelse hvori de fortæller at de arbejder på en PlayStation 4 Pro opdatering, som blandt andet vil give understøttelse for 4K og HDR.

Imagine all of the voxels, particle effects and the fast-paced action even in greater, more eye-candy indulged experience.

Kilde: gamereactor.dk