Final Fantasy XV’s PS4 Pro-opdatering bliver ikke betydelig

Final Fantasy XV’s instruktør Hajime Tabata har udtalt til Hobbyconsolas at man ikke skal forvente alt for meget af den kommende opdatering til PlayStation 4 Pro – det har de simpelthen ikke haft tid til!

About the PS4 Pro, it’s basically the same thing about the PC – if we wanted to take full advantage of the new hardware that would mean putting in much effort and time to make the game look and run better…and time is something we don’t have right now neither we had foreseen the PS4 Pro existence before. In the future, with some dedication and time maybe we can get a PS4 Pro version of the game that can take advantage of the systems capabilities. But as of right now the game has maxed out the PS4 horsepower.

Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV


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