Moon Studios-udvikler uddyber sine PS4 Pro-kommentarer

For nylig udtalte Thomas Mahler, der arbejder for Ori and the Blind Forest-udvikleren Moon Studios, at den kommende Project Scorpio er en ægte “next gen-maskine”. I samme udtalelse var der dog også en kritik af PlayStation 4 Pro-konsollen, og dem har han nu valgt at yderligere uddybe:

When Sony announces their PS5 (which will probably happen after Scorpio releases), you’ll hear that it’ll also be compatible to your entire PS4 library (since it’s – like the PS4Pro – going to be another hardware upgrade based on the same architecture). You’ll also see games that are going to be announced that will not be exclusive only to the PS5, since it just hurts developers. A new console comes out and we go from a hardware platform that has 50 or so million installed units to, say, 5. So automatically, I would reach a MUCH smaller audience. So a lot of games will still be ‘forward-compatible’ – whether Sony forces that or not will be up to them.
