Kommende AMD-teknologi kan gøre PS4 Pro endnu mere kraftfuld

AMD har fornyligt annonceret at de snart er klar til at lancere en teknologi der “Rapid Packed Math”, som teoretisk skulle kunne fordoble hastigheden af deres GPU’er ved at “float operations” dobbelt så hurtigt. Eftersom der sidder en AMD GPU i PlayStation 4 Pro skulle konsollens grafiske ydelse kunne komme op på 8,4 teraflops ved en kommende softwareopdatering.

AMD udtaler selv:

Next-Gen Compute Units (NCUs) provide super-charged pathways for doubling processing throughput when using 16-bit data types. In cases where a full 32 bits of precision is not necessary to obtain the desired result, they can pack twice as much data into each register and use it to execute two parallel operations. This is ideal for a wide range of computationally intensive applications including image/video processing, ray tracing, artificial intelligence, and game rendering.

PS4 Pro & AMD
PS4 Pro & AMD

Kilde: gamereactor.dk

PlayStation 4 Pro bruger to GPU-chips når den spiller Pro-spil

I et interview med Eurogamer har PS4 Pro systemarkitekten Mark Cerny forklaret hvordan konsollen håndterer den forbedrede grafik.

We doubled the GPU size by essentially placing it next to a mirrored version of itself, sort of like the wings of a butterfly.

That gives us an extremely clean way to support the existing 700 titles. We just turn off half the GPU and run it at something quite close to the original GPU.

Kilde: gamereactor.dk